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    His chosen child

    Did you know that the Creator of the universe wants to adopt you to be His very own? Ephesians chapter one, verse five, says that God “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.” After being adopted at a young age by a loving family, it wasn’t hard for Judy to understand that truth. […]

    Jesus and the Junk

    We all have that space in the home we would rather no one see—the messy garage, the cluttered study, or maybe, like me, it’s the yard. There are few things more beautiful than a well-kept lot with lush, perfectly mowed grass, neat hedges, and precision-trimmed roses. Our property’s hedges look more like an overgrown jungle and the grass is patchy and dry. So when our pastor’s wife, Mel, offered to help plant the roses she’d given me, I panicked! I was ashamed of our yard.

    Finding freedom from the trap of pornography

    Pornography is an addiction that is easily fueled in our sex-saturated culture. Lives
    unraveled by a lure so strong it has the power to destroy families and ruin lives. Jerry’s
    and Mickey’s addictions had cost each of them dearly. But there is a power that is so
    much greater and offers hope to those struggling with this destructive habit. Learn how
    God’s grace, and the accountability of others, helped both men to find the freedom they
    desperately sought.

    Finding freedom in forgiveness

    There’s no mistake so big, no sin so great, that God cannot forgive. Hear how God gave both Brenetia and LaRue freedom from their past and healing through His Word. No matter where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, you can find freedom through forgiveness in Jesus Christ!

    What if a Loved One is Not Saved?

    In May 2006, my family experienced our first death. My mother’s younger brother died in a hit-and-run accident, leaving my auntie behind to raise five young children on her own.

    The Line Between

    Two government agents were assigned the case of “Dread Pirate Roberts.” This “pirate” was the anonymous operator of “the Silk Road,” a website that sold illegal drugs by using the virtual currency Bitcoin. The agents caught their man, but not before becoming criminals themselves. They allegedly sold the information about their investigation and blackmailed the “pirate,” transferring big bucks to their own bank accounts. Their story demonstrates how thin the line is between good and evil.

    Fly to Jesus

    George Whitfield, the Anglican preacher who was part of the Great Awakening in the American colonies, once said, “Come away, my dear brethren—fly, fly, fly for your lives to Jesus Christ, fly to a bleeding God, fly to a throne of grace . . . beg of God to give you faith, and to enable you to be close with Jesus Christ.” Long before Whitfield encouraged believers to fly to Jesus, the writer of Hebrews encouraged weary believers to approach Him boldly and confidently as their Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14,16).

    When I was Blessed to be Sick

    Recently, I was blessed to be down for a few days with a bad flu, sore throat, and fever. Yes, you read it right. I was blessed and I thank God to have been down for those few days.

    Our need for God’s love and forgiveness

    Although God called David “a man after his own heart,” David still messed up, royally! But he also knew how to repent. Is having a heart after God about perfection or is it about understanding our need for God’s love and forgiveness? Today, we conclude our discussion with “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman, on how David learned to know God as a child. It’s a valuable discussion for any parent who wants to teach their child God’s ways.

    Why God chose David as king over Israel

    David wasn’t the first choice in his family to be Israel’s king. Was he overlooked because he was so young? Or because they needed him out in the field, tending sheep? Whatever the reason, it’s clear God chose David to be the next king because of what He saw inside of him, not what was on the outside. Don’t miss the conversation with our guest Crystal Bowman. That’s today on “Discover the Word.”

    Wells of Salvation

    When people drill holes deep into the earth, it is normally for pulling up core samples of rock, accessing oil, or finding water.

    In Isaiah 12, we learn that God wanted His people, who were living in a spiritual desert as well as a geographical desert, to discover His “wells of salvation.” The prophet Isaiah compared God’s salvation to a well from which the most refreshing of all waters can be drawn. After many years of turning their back on God, the nation of Judah was destined for exile as God allowed foreign invaders to conquer the nation, scattering the people.…

    3 Things I Learned About My Sin-Filled Life

    Ever felt the urge to do something you knew was wrong in God’s eyes, but stopped because you mustered up the strength and courage to put off the earthly, ungodly desires of the heart? And then found yourself going ahead and committing the sin moments later, because the flesh was weak even though the spirit was willing?

    Loving a Prodigal

    I’ve known and looked up to a special friend for many years. She’s a ministry leader and also the wife of a ministry leader. My admiration runs deep not because of the global ministry she helps to lead but because of the profound and sacrificial love that she, along with her husband, have lavished on their children, particularly a (former) prodigal son.

    an unopened gift

    A few years ago I received an email wishing me a happy Christmas. I was grateful for the message and thought nothing more of it until a few weeks later when I reread it. As I reviewed the words more carefully, I realized that I had missed the fact that the email contained a gift voucher with a limited time to redeem it!

    Seeing Ourselves

    Long ago, before the invention of mirrors or polished surfaces, people rarely saw themselves. Puddles of water, streams, and rivers were one of the few ways they could see their own reflection. But mirrors changed that. And the invention of cameras took fascination with our looks to a whole new level. We now have lasting images of ourselves from any given time throughout our entire life. This is good for making scrapbooks and keeping family histories, but it can be detrimental to our spiritual well-being. The fun of seeing ourselves on camera can keep us focused on outward appearance and…

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